Check out previous DIY gift guides here.
One of the things I'm learning about my 30 for 30 challenge is that I have a serious lack of accessories. Hopefully use of these tutorials will help me remedy this.
Today, it's all about Martha!
First, a necklace I made with crafty cousin C on our family reunion.
We painted different sized wooden beads (purchased from a discount craft website) with acrylic paint.
If I make another, I might try this dyeing method, or at least coat the paint with polyeurathane or some kind of sealant.
To make the flower, you cut a strip of fabric (mine was about 36 inches long and 4 inches wide)
fold it in half, and begin twisting, turning and hot-gluing into a rosebud shape
Then I hot-glued the flower on to the bead. String with ribbon (next time I will definitely use silk because the organza ribbon we used is kind of scratchy)
BONUS: you can wear the flower on either side!
via Martha Stewart
The video tutorial here is great--what an easy project! Just take silk or another thin material, sew a long thin tube and wrap and knot the beads.

I like my necklaces to hang a lot lower so I would probably double the length.
also compliments of Martha Stewart
This one is a little more involved as the pearls and fabric are dyed int he process. Dye scares me, so I'm not sure I'll try this project in color (I think white pearls and a bright colored ribbon would work, don't you?)

Have you ever DIYed jewelry for yourself or others? Would you try it?
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