Insecurity #1: my teeth
In a family of four with us kids all 17-21 months apart, braces came all at the same time. My parents evaluated the situation and because my sister, K1 and my brother had much worse mouth situations than I, they were priviled enough to spend 2.5 years with a metal mouth.
I never cared much, because my teeth didn't seem so bad at age 13. (and they truly aren't as bad as they could be) ...until a biking spill where I spent sometime kissing the pavement, chipped my front tooth.
I have vampire fangs (This was one of the only pictures I foudn where you cuold see them...they're a lot worse, but I have finally figured out how to smile without showing them. Laughing, though? If my mouth is open at all, fear for your lives.

an overbite (that was a result of sucking my thumb as a baby, toddler and pre-schooler...until I was bribed out of it by beanie babies.)
and uneven top teeth...besides the chipped tooth.

I am pretty good at smiling just so, to avoid showing off all of my teeth flaws, but I am so scared that all my wedding pictures are going to make me look like 13-year-old vampire needing braces!
What are your wedding photograph insecurities (or everyday insecurities)
YOU are absolutely ADORABLE!!!
I have a few crooked teeth, its very slight, and i probably am the only one who notices. I tell my mom, "i need braces" and she says, that very slight imperfection is what makes my smile, so to have the perfect teeth from braces would take away from my cuteness! (AWW Mom!!)...
i think your smile, teeth and you are adorable! :)
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