Disneyland was a lot more packed than we hoped, but as always, we went in with a strategy and didn't have a long wait in more than two lines. We missed Pirates of the Caribbean because they were re-opening it that day so the lines were insane and fast-passes sold out quickly. The new Star Tours update was really good - we had no idea they changed it! Much better graphics and story.
It was my first time going to Disneyland around the holidays so I especially enjoyed seeing all the holiday decor - the castle was beautiful! It was actually E's mom's idea. [She's not a fan of photos of herself so I didn't include any here]. Then, on Friday we went shopping in Old Pasadena and had fun starting our Christmas shopping (surprisingly it wasn't very busy!). Sunday I made a thanksgiving dinner to make up for the missed holiday. It wasn't terribly creative, but I considered it a success!
Holiday weekends. So much of everything I love.

1. Captain EO (Michael Jackson circa 1986) and our favorite lunchtime show, Billy Hill & the Hillbillies
2. Spotted: The Mad Hatter and Alice, near the Teacups
3. Enormous Christmas tree, and E double-fisting and dominating his favorite game, Buzz Lightyear
4. The Christmas parade
5. Storybook land
6. Main Street USA at twilight
7. Mr. Toad, and the castle
8. I wore a Tshirt I bought four years ago and still fits! Breakfast at the Anaheim Hilton - YUM
9. E in his element at a used/vintage bookstore and coffee at Intelligentsia
10. Our belated Thanksgiving festivities - I did the entire dinner! so happy it turned out.
I hope you all had wonderful weekends with food, family and fellowship!
p.s.I couldn't resist digging up a picture from my very first trip to Disneyland - a few months before E and I started dating - and comparing it to one we took this week. What a different four years makes...

Ah, I'm so jealous! What a fun way to spend Thanksgiving!
This seems so fun!!! That is a great idea for Thanksgiving.
This post makes me want to go to Disneyland during the holidays! Definitely adding that to my travel list!
So fun! I've never been to Disneyland or Disney World during the holidays but I'm hoping to go this December!
LOVE!! What a fun way to spend Thanksgiving!! :)
I love disneyland during the holidays. it makes it even more magical.
the buzz lightyear ride is my new favorite :)
Did you stop by the Gold Bug in Pasadena? I went in hoping to find something for T but everything was too expensive. A lot of fun to window shop though!
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