Sorry if this is sort of becoming a theme every eight weeks. (see also: my last haircut, and the one before that, and the one before that) But I did some new with my hair. [Again.] I love it! [again]. Bonus: my hair dresser gives me a glass of wine when I come in, which was well-appreciated after a really difficult day for me at work yesterday. It is my new plan to schedule haircuts after really crappy work days so I can enjoy a head massage while sipping vino. I felt like a new woman when I left!

Then I came home and discovered the blog Glamourai. And I fell in love with her hair. Why has the internets not revealed this blog to me before? Anyway, after pinning about seven images of her lovely 'do, I stumbled across a great tutorial on curling short hair. yay! I've been wanting to curl my hair for a year, and just wasn't brave enough to attempt it. Stay tuned for the results...

top: The Limited (3+ yrs ago)
boyfriend trousers: The Limited (belt came with it)
heels: Aldo, thrifted
[ps. These photos are from Day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge. I'm still hanging in there! The theme was menswear and I wore these trousers again. I love them almost as much as my hair.]
pps. Thanks for weighing in on our luggage dilemma! We're still considering what to buy, but I'll definitely review whatever we end up with.
GORG haircut.
I love a great short hair cut. I can never keep mine long for long. Super cute! :)
Let me also add how great these crop roll up pants are looking on you. Can't wait to see short curled hair!
I just cut my hair the same way about two months ago and it's FANTASTIC! I've never been able to stick with a haircut for any length of time, but I think I've found it int his one. I took in photos from the Glamourai to get what I wanted too :)
Aha! A fellow Glamourai lover :)
I pretty much think she's my style idol at the moment...from her clothes, to her hair, to her home decor. Love love love.
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