in 15 days I get to marry the man of my dreams, spend 10 glorious days in northern Italy with him and then move to Southern California to start our life together.
Ponte Vecchio
Florence, Italy
my future hometown, CA

Last night I got a phone call that I got the job I interviewed for last week!
My work just threw me a surprise shower/going away party--Italy themed. It was so much fun!
So life is falling into place and the wedding is happening, if not perfectly. I am one happy girl.
Congrats on the job! That is outstanding! 15 days!!!! Woo hoo!
Congratulations on the new job! Italy is going to be gorgeous! I'm thrilled for you!
Congrats all around!
WOW! How exciting!!! Congratulations on getting the job! That must be a HUGE relief! I can't believe your wedding is SO soon! :) This is such an amazing time right now!! I love hearing all about it!
Congrats on the job!! Your wedding in Italy will be so beautiful! It is just around the corner!
Congrats to you! Where are you moving to? I used to live in SoCal myself!
I'm sorry I missed this... congrats on getting the job! Hope it goes well!
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