Wednesday, December 8, 2010

30 for 30 roundup: It's all over!

Get ready to see way more Latte poses than you ever wanted to...
Here's what I've worn for the last thirty days:


and...ending on extremely awkward facial expressions

A few lessons learned:

1. I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a fashion blogger. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm not. But this challenge really helped me get over my morning ritual whining "I have nothing to wear!" and I'll still continue to share an occasion favorite outfit.

2. I am really lacking in the accessories department! I had planned to wear often a beautiful green scarf that I got from paris a few years ago. Right before the challenge began I lost it in the airport. (and I did not handle this discovery maturely.)

3. Planning outfits ahead of time was they KEY to my success in this challenge. I woke up in the morning, looked on my sheet (this remix guide from Kendi was really helpful) and got dressed.

4. I wear waaay too many neutrals. I picked out every bright piece in my whole wardrobe for this challenge. For the next few months, I'm forcing myself to buy more bright accessories.

Things I wore a lot:
brown pumps (8), gray flats (8), khaki pencil skirt (6)

Things I hardly wore:
bermuda shorts (2), brown flats (2)

At least 1/3 of them were 'new' outfits to me.
I'm pretty happy with how I used all the pieces I picked, but I definitely should have included more warm pieces (sweater and boots) as November was much colder than I had planned.

Finally, my favorites: Days 2, 5, 8, 13, 16, 25
16 definitely got the most compliments from others(Also, 4, 17, and 27)

I would love to hear your thoughts and/or advice! Thanks for sticking with me through this remix.


Anonymous said...

I think you're adorable! Loved all your outfits, I just started work and you are inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

you're so cute! love your outfits---especially 14 and 16!

Unknown said...

Doesn't it feel great to be done? Your outfits are all so cute, I think I like 14, 26 and 28 the best:)

Jenna said...

How cute are you, I love your wardrobe.

Maggie said...

Congrats on finishing! I love the looks with the seafoam sweater :)

Anonymous said...

14 is my favorite. But the other commenters are right - you are adorable!

The Auspicious Life

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