Friday, March 16, 2012

instagrammed: catching up

Judging by the radio silence and/or light posting of a lot of my regular blog reads, I must not be the only one feeling a little blah on the writing front lately. (but I am going to share a cool project next week - so please don't give up on me yet)

Here's a Friday-appropriate, cop out post of instagram pics.

My hair is found weird things today. Still trying to figure out my new style. Got a cute package of jewelry today from @raphaela325 that I won in their blogiversary giveaway! Caramelized onion, roasted garlic, goat cheese pizza. It's what's for dinner New hair cut! My stylist showed me how to curl with a flat iron and I'm loving it.
I forgot how fragile calla lilies are. (after an hour in the car :-/ ) Indian food on girls night!
This weekend's project: Little baby booties for more friends' babies. Goal of the month: get through repair/remake pile any way it takes. Project of the night: tshirt necklace, inspired by many pins.
My homemade skillet cornbread got audible groans from the guys.... #winning Project night!! Any guesses as to what I'm working on at the shop?

1. rather blah hair day trying to figure out a new style.
2. I was a winner in the 2nd anniversary giveaway at In Pursuit of Pretty Things! (Thanks, Carol & Kathryn)
3. dinner: goat cheese, caramelized onion, roasted garlic pizza. yum
4. what my hair looked like right after walking out of the salon...perfect and unrepeatable
5. picked a bunch of calla lilies from our yard to bring to a friends for lunch. Sadly, they wilted on the way.
6. Indian food on girls night!
7. DIY knit baby booties (I finished them off with a tiny pink polka dot ribbon)
8. a t-shirt necklace made from a shirt I ruined last year.
9. homemade skillet cornbread - elicited audible groans from the boys = huge win
10.  sneak peek of the project I'm sharing next week.

ps. follow me on instagram - I'm lattelove

Happy Friday, friends!

I'm going to make these mint chocolate chip cookies and maybe have a Guinness with E this weekend. Then we're going to start working on our garden!


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