Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Greener Pastures

The other night I babysat for a couple friends so they could go out to celebrate a birthday. After they got back we ended up chatting for almost an hour about life, expectations, marriage and kids.
It was a really great conversation. Wonderful to hear from a couple that were once in a similar situation to E and I, that they were glad they waited to have kids for 5 years. What opportunities they had and how much they learned in the meantime.

But something that came out in the conversation especially struck me. Something I hope I can say in 10 or 20 years.

"It's green on both sides"

They were referring to life pre-kids, and post; pre-marriage and post.

Both are smart, degreed, accomplished. A (the wife) stopped working to raise two kids (so far) and move from Atlanta to San Diego where her pastor husband found his dream job.

They acknowledged the fun of singleness and the beauty of marriage, the freedom of childlessness and the wonderment of having kids as all good.

And they have no regrets! I was really inspired and encouraged to find the joy in every stage of life.


steph c said...

Wonderful sentiment.. something I will surely keep in mind as time goes on.

Katie said...

I've actually had way more people tell me to wait for several years after marriage to have kids than I have had people ask when we're going to start. That's a change that I'm really glad to see because I have always felt that way. I think it's really important to spend time as *just* a married couple, and doing the things you want to do together before you add kids to the mix, because let's face it, things change after kids. You won't be able to do all the same things. Every time I start to think "I'd really like to have a baby" I think about all the things I can't do - like be lazy and selfish, and do things on a whim. Now is the time to do that, and I'm gonna. I'm SO glad your friends don't have any regrets - I want the same thing!

Tiffany said...

Wow! That IS a great sentiment! Unfortunately, you don't hear that too often! It's either "my life was nothing before my child was born" or "my life is so much more stressful now that I ahve a baby". What a refreshing perspective!

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome outlook to have. I feel like way too many people glamorize (idealize?) life one way or the other. Either you have to have kids to be a family and be happy, or you are ruining your life with kids. Not enough people are able to be content either way, and that's really respectable.

beka said...

I really loved this! So much in life is all about attitude and how you look at things, and it seems like this couple really had a great attitude. I hope that I'm as wise when I'm in their shoes someday!

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