Monday, May 21, 2012

twenty four

Every year since I was 15, maybe earlier, I have stayed up late the night before my birthday journaling reflections on the year and hopes for the news ones. This night it is a little different, but typing that makes me so nostalgic for the paper and ink that I guess I will still pull out my old journal tonight and see what flows forth.

It's a crazy week - with celebrations, gatherings, party planning, graduation, meetings at work, board events and saying goodbye to some really dear friends who are moving on. In the past few weeks I've spent a lot of time reflecting as I was given the opportunity to share a few thoughts on seminary wife life at a gathering last month, and was also asked to give a devotional and share some memories with the wives of the seminary board members who will be coming out this week. (Maybe I'll get to putting some of those in a bloggable format after the craziness dies down.) 'Tis the season of sharing memories, celebrating milestones, and saying goodbyes and it's starting to all sink in.

There is so much I'm ready to do and explore this year. Mid-twenties seems like a great time to figure out what I'm doing with my life (ha), but in reality I do think this year is going to clarify a lot of what will come in my and our future. For now, it's just enjoying (surviving) the next few weeks of celebrations until the dust settles. And I do love to celebrate.

Birthdays are reminder of the great gift of life. Ultimately, I'm thankful to God for his faithfulness for another year of it.


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