Thursday, September 15, 2011

My last first date

Yesterday was E's and my 4th date-a-versary. We celebrated - like the romantic couple that we are - by attending our respective classes (I'm back in Greek) going to work, and studying. We even forgot to have dinner last night!

Despite the lack of fan-fare, four years in is far better than the first day, and I can't wait for forty...\

I love you, E.


To read about our first date, and the rest of our Love Story, click here.


Geek in Heels said...

Happy date-a-versary! And what a sweet picture!

Laura said...

Aw. Congrats. There's still the weekend. You can do something simple and special to celebrate love. :)

steph c said...

Aw yay :) Happy date-a-versary :))

The Less Than Domestic Goddess said...

Love that picture! Happy date-a-versary!

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